2021 Samsung Bespoke
When it comes to designing home, start by thinking about your personal style to set the mood. Then, you rearrange the space by making functional layout, choose colors and materials, and for a final touch adding objects and lighting. A great way to show your home’s personality is by using color in an individual and intentional way.
When it comes to designing home, start by thinking about your personal style to set the mood. Then, you rearrange the space by making functional layout, choose colors and materials, and for a final touch adding objects and lighting. A great way to show your home’s personality is by using color in an individual and intentional way.
집콕 시대, 집 꾸미기가 고민이신 분들 주목!
컬러와 소품만 잘 골라도 집안 분위기가 몰라보게 달라질 수 있다는데.
인테리어는 먼저 취향을 고려해서 집안 분위기를 정하고요, 그 다음에는 공간을 재구성하고, 칼라와 소재 설정, 그리고 마지막으로는 소품과 조명을 배치해요. 집의 개성을 살리는 가장 손쉬운 방법은 컬러를 잘 활용하는 건데요.

Project: Samsung Bespoke
Client: Samsung C&T
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Area: 53.36㎡
Typology: Residential space, Art direction

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