2019 BMW Welt

BMW Welt’s distinctive architecture and concept make it an ideal venue for design collaborations. Beyond showcasing BMW’s products and brands, it creates unique settings and inspiring experiences for visitors. For the new flagship models, BMW Welt, in collaboration with BMW Group Design and Patricia Urquiola, has introduced an exhibition redefining luxury, aesthetics, and individuality.

BMW Welt’s distinctive architecture and concept make it an ideal venue for design collaborations. Beyond showcasing BMW’s products and brands, it creates unique settings and inspiring experiences for visitors. For the new flagship models, BMW Welt, in collaboration with BMW Group Design and Patricia Urquiola, has introduced an exhibition redefining luxury, aesthetics, and individuality.

BMW Welt의 독창적인 건축과 개념은 디자인 협업에 이상적인 장소입니다. BMW의 제품과 브랜드를 선보이는 것을 넘어, 독특한 환경과 영감을 주는 경험을 방문객들에게 제공합니다. 새로운 플래그십 모델을 위해 BMW Welt는 BMW 그룹 디자인 및 패트리시아 우르키올라와 협업하여 럭셔리, 미학, 개성을 새롭게 정의한 전시를 선보였습니다.

Essa Fleur Collection

Project: BMW Welt
Client: BMW Welt
Location: Munich, Germany
Collaboration: Studio Patricia Urquiola
Area: ??㎡
Typology: Commercial space

Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
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