2021 Golf Club Cafe

A graphic that creates an entertaining play between rigid geometry and a wobbly prism-like optical illusion.
Strong shadows emphasize the grid, creating a three-dimensional effect on the artwork’s surface. It strikes a balance between order and the fluidity of distortion, coming together as a dynamic, almost architectural point piece.

A graphic that creates an entertaining play between rigid geometry and a wobbly prism-like optical illusion. Strong shadows emphasize the grid, creating a three-dimensional effect on the artwork’s surface. It strikes a balance between order and the fluidity of distortion, coming together as a dynamic, almost architectural point piece.

딱 떨어지는 기하학적 구조에 일렁이는 프리즘 같은 착시 효과가 더해져 흥미로운 대비를 만드는 그래픽 작품입니다. 강한 그림자가 격자를 강조하면서 작품 표면에 입체감을 더해줍니다. 질서와 왜곡된 형태가 조화를 이루며, 하나의 역동적이고 건축적인 조형미를 완성합니다.

Essa Fleur Collection

Project: Golf Club Cafe
Client: MDI Leisure Development
Typology: Artwork production, Art direction


Essa Fleur Collection
Sonolee, 2024. All Rights Reserved.