2021 Gopizza Flagship

As residential culture evolves with the changing times, so too do the needs of daily life. In partnership with Raemian and the global furniture brand Molteni&C, we developed furniture solutions designed to adapt to these shifting demands.
Lounge Hub* takes inspiration from the fluidity of Korean daily life, where people gather, eat, and converse in relaxed settings, adapting their spaces as needed. To enhance the versatility of the living room, it features six modular components that can be configured to align with individual lifestyles.

As residential culture evolves with the changing times, so too do the needs of daily life. In partnership with Raemian and the global furniture brand Molteni&C, we developed furniture solutions designed to adapt to these shifting demands.
Lounge Hub* takes inspiration from the fluidity of Korean daily life, where people gather, eat, and converse in relaxed settings, adapting their spaces as needed. To enhance the versatility of the living room, it features six modular components that can be configured to align with individual lifestyles.

The Komposition* 시대의 변화에 따라 주거문화도 계속해서 변화해왔습니다. 변화에 따라 일상 생활에서 다양한 니즈를 충족시킬 수 있는 가구들을 래미안과 연구개발 하였고, 세계적인 가구 브랜드 Molteni&C 와 협업하여 구현했습니다.
Lounge hub*는 각자 편안한 자세로 음식도 먹고, 이야기도 나누며, 필요에 따라 위치도 변화하는 한국의 '평상'에서 영감을 받았습니다. 거실의 역할을 극대화 할 수 있도록 기능들을 6가지의 모듈에 담아 라이프스타일에 맞게 조합할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

Essa Fleur Collection

Project: Gopizza Flagship
Client: Gopizza
Typology: Furniture design, Art direction


Essa Fleur Collection
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