2023 Country Club Lobby

Step into a retreat where art and design harmonize with the beauty of nature. A country club offers a sanctuary for relaxation and enjoyment, immersed in the tranquility of natural landscapes. The interior flows seamlessly with the natural surroundings, thoughtfully curated with art and forms inspired by the elegance of nature’s shapes and materials.

Step into a retreat where art and design harmonize with the beauty of nature. A country club offers a sanctuary for relaxation and enjoyment, immersed in the tranquility of natural landscapes. The interior flows seamlessly with the natural surroundings, thoughtfully curated with art and forms inspired by the elegance of nature’s shapes and materials.

예술과 디자인이 자연과 조화를 이루는 곳으로 휴양지를 떠나보세요. 컨트리클럽은 전원의 자연에서 여유와 즐거움을 찾는 공간입니다. 복잡한 도시에서 잠시 벗어나는 시간인 만큼, 자연을 실내로 끌어들이는 큰 창을 적극 활용하였습니다. 또한 자연물에서 영감을 받은 예술품과 형태로 공간을 구성하여 외부와 실내를 연결하고자 하였습니다.

Essa Fleur Collection
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A centerpiece of this spacious lobby is the reception desk, designed to echo continuty of seasons change in nature. Crafted from two types of marble, it forms a seamless, flowing composition, reflecting the natural flow and harmony found in the outside world.

A centerpiece of this spacious lobby is the reception desk, designed to echo continuty of seasons change in nature. Crafted from two types of marble, it forms a seamless, flowing composition, reflecting the natural flow and harmony found in the outside world.

Project: Country Club Lobby
Client: MDI Leisure Development
Location: Chuncheon, South Korea
Area: 537.9㎡
Typology: Commercial Space

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