2021 LG UPlus
Redefining the conventional layout of Korean apartments, this design centers around an open living space, positioned at the crossroads of movement to seamlessly connect and bring the family together. This sense of connection extends into the color palette, where vibrant accents unify each room into a cohesive environment. It all begins with a functional entrance, integrating sanitizing and delivery storage, leading into the living area — a central hub featuring a large connective window to the kids' playroom. The “family corridor” serves as a smooth passage between bedrooms, reinforcing the apartment’s effortless flow and shared living experience.
Redefining the conventional layout of Korean apartments, this design centers around an open living space, positioned at the crossroads of movement to seamlessly connect and bring the family together. This sense of connection extends into the color palette, where vibrant accents unify each room into a cohesive environment. It all begins with a functional entrance, integrating sanitizing and delivery storage, leading into the living area — a central hub featuring a large connective window to the kids' playroom. The “family corridor” serves as a smooth passage between bedrooms, reinforcing the apartment’s effortless flow and shared living experience.
기존의 한국 아파트 구조를 새롭게 재해석한 이 디자인은 집의 중심에 열린 거실을 배치해 자연스러운 동선 속에서 가족을 하나로 연결합니다.
이러한 흐름은 컬러 팔레트에도 반영되어, 생동감 있는 색감이 모든 공간을 유기적으로 이어줍니다. 공간의 시작점인 실용적인 현관은 손 씻기 및 택배 보관 기능을 갖추고 있으며, 이어지는 거실 공간은 아이들 놀이방과 연결된 대형 창을 통해 더욱 개방적인 분위기를 자아냅니다. 그리고 ‘패밀리 복도’는 침실 사이를 부드럽게 이어주며, 자연스럽게 조화를 이루며 공간을 연결합니다.
Project: LG UPlus Apartment
Client: LG U+
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Area: 68.75㎡
Typology: Residential space

Open layout unfolds with two corridor passages seamlessly connecting opposite sides of the space. Moving through one passage leads directly into the open kitchen. The second pathway creates a walkthrough connection from the master bedroom to the kids' bedroom, providing a seamless, connected living experience for a family.
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