2021 Nonhyeon-dong
Common Areas
A spacious open void, where intricate graphics cascade from the balconies like a waterfall, wrapping around the space in a seamless flow. This visual language extends through every part of the common areas, unifying the environment. The wellness area offers a dynamic training space, while the multifunctional zones provide a vibrant coworking environment with dedicated individual booths for focused work.
A spacious open void, where intricate graphics cascade from the balconies like a waterfall, wrapping around the space in a seamless flow. This visual language extends through every part of the common areas, unifying the environment. The wellness area offers a dynamic training space, while the multifunctional zones provide a vibrant coworking environment with dedicated individual booths for focused work.
넓은 오픈 보이드 공간에서는 발코니에서 흘러내리는 정교한 그래픽이 마치 폭포처럼 공간을 감싸 흐릅니다. 이 시각적 요소는 공용 공간 곳곳에 자연스럽게 스며들어 조화를 이루고 연결감을 더해줍니다. 웰니스 공간은 에너지가 넘치는 다이내믹한 분위기를 만들어 트레이닝에 활력을 더하며, 다목적 공간은 개별 부스를 갖춘 편안한 코워킹 환경을 제공합니다.
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Project: Nonhyeon-dong Common Areas
Client: Shinyoung Group
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Area: 2226.12㎡
Typology: Residential space