2021 VIP Powder Room
A refined balance of contrasts unfolds as rich dark oak wood meets the soft, organic texture of sand-like stone wall tiles. Statement elements in Fior Di Pesco marble bring a sense of exclusivity, while bronze accents add a touch of understated elegance, elevating the atmosphere with warmth and sophistication.
A refined balance of contrasts unfolds as rich dark oak wood meets the soft, organic texture of sand-like stone wall tiles. Statement elements in Fior Di Pesco marble bring a sense of exclusivity, while bronze accents add a touch of understated elegance, elevating the atmosphere with warmth and sophistication.
고급스러운 대비가 돋보이는 공간으로, 깊이 있는 다크 오크 우드와 부드러운 모래빛 석재 타일이 자연스럽게 어우러집니다. 포인트 요소로 사용된 휘오르 디 페스코 대리석이 특별한 무드를 더하고, 브론즈 디테일이 은은한 우아함을 더해 따뜻하면서도 세련된 분위기를 완성합니다.

Project: VIP Locker Room
Client: MDI Leisure Development
Location: Chuncheon, South Korea
Area: 169.83㎡
Typology: Commercial space