2022 Raemian Gallery
Apartment 59

There is a timeless beauty in residential projects. They evolve and change with their owners through the passing moments of life. Common and private areas of the apartment are arranged along a Gallery corridor, creating a seamless flow. Each space engages in a dialogue with the others, bringing family activities together. With a tailored, individual experience, each room features a blend of bespoke pieces, contemporary products, and design icons from leading Italian furniture and lighting manufacturers.

There is a timeless beauty in residential projects. They evolve and change with their owners through the passing moments of life. Common and private areas of the apartment are arranged along a Gallery corridor, creating a seamless flow. Each space engages in a dialogue with the others, bringing family activities together. With a tailored, individual experience, each room features a blend of bespoke pieces, contemporary products, and design icons from leading Italian furniture and lighting manufacturers.

주거 공간은 시간이 지나도 그 자체로 아름다움을 간직합니다. 삶의 흐름에 따라 공간도 자연스럽게 변화하며, 거주자의 라이프스타일에 맞춰 유기적으로 진화하죠. 공용 공간과 개인 공간은 갤러리형 복도를 따라 자연스럽게 연결되며, 서로 어우러져 가족의 다양한 활동이 하나로 이어집니다. 각 공간은 개별 맞춤형 경험을 제공하며, 장인 정신이 깃든 가구, 현대적인 디자인 제품, 그리고 이탈리아를 대표하는 가구와 조명 브랜드의 아이코닉한 작품들이 조화롭게 배치되었습니다.

Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection

Project: Raemian Gallery Apartment 59
Client: Samsung C&T
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Area: 199㎡
Typology: Residential space
Collaboration: Studio Patricia Urquiola

Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
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Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
Essa Fleur Collection
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